
The Waste Impact Calculator (WIC) is a framework for estimating the life cycle environmental impacts of solid waste, and projecting the impact consequences of waste management decisions. See https://or-dept-environmental-quality.github.io/wic/.

View the Project on GitHub OR-Dept-Environmental-Quality/wic

The Waste Impact Calculator project and its repositories

The Waste Impact Calculator (WIC) is a framework for estimating the life cycle environmental impacts associated with solid waste materials and treatments, and projecting the impact consequences of solid waste management decisions (e.g. comparing waste prevention to recycling). While it was created with the needs of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in mind, it should be relevant to many other parties interested in materials, waste, and waste management.

WIC may be expressed in many ways. At the most basic level it helps you contrast the weight and impacts of materials, for example:

a screenshot comparing weight to impacts

The Waste Impact Calculator web app is a good place to start. It includes:

More formal documentation can be found in these resources:

WIC repositories

WIC project work occurs in several repos, listed below. Some of these are still works in progress. Official releases will (eventually) be available for download within each repo.

Technical review

The life cycle impact modeling work for WIC releases tagged 1.0 was reviewed by an independent technical authority, Dr. Christoph Koffler of Sphera. The reviewer’s comments can be found in the documentation folder of the wic-base repo. Releases after 1.0 contain new features and data, bug fixes, and improved documentation and examples, so they should not substantially affect the relevance of the reviewer’s comments.

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